Auntie Debbie Dates is an Aboriginal Elder from Worimi country who has been producing cultural artworks for many years, and has a passion for preserving and sharing traditional stories through her work.
In this series of cultural art workshops, join Auntie Debbie and build connection to her work “The Pelican Project” through storytelling and art. Experience Auntie Debbie’s artistic process, as she draws parallels between her family, the stories of her life growing up as a Worimi woman and her connection to the land, sea and its creatures. Come along and learn traditional linealist painting skills, and create your own personal work to take home.
These workshops are open to participants of all ages, and tickets are strictly limited – Grab yours from the link below!
Current Offerings:
September 28th: 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm
October school holidays (TBC)
Tickets: (Link goes here)
Header Image: Minash Photography